7th August 2010

I am currently half way through a placement with the weave studio Wallace#Sewell. Their woven fabrics are beautiful and the people are lovely too! It's great to see that it is possible to create a successful business as a weaver. It's a bit manic there at the moment and the place is pretty crammed with fabric but it's exciting to be part of the team and to know the labels I'm sewing into scarves are going to be shipped all over the world.

There has also been a pop-up showcase in the shop which finishes today. Ray Stitch haberdashery. Really nice bits and bobs.

Amwell Street has some lovely shops (including Wallace#Sewell of course). Unpackaged sells wholesome food and ask customers to bring their own containers. I had some fudge yesterday. Yum.

That's all for now. I think I have another placement lined up for September. I don't know how I'm going to work for free for a month and continue living in London but I'm sure I'll manage it somehow!

Bea x